Érik Desmazières

Catalogues & Books

This page includes catalogues and books with images reproduced,
but most with deluxe editions including an original print.
See Artist's Books for books with original illustrations throughout.

To order any of the following, email us at fitch@fitch-febvrel.com or call 914.271.2166.

Érik Desmazières - Etchings 1972–1981

Etchings 1972–1981
Fitch-Febvrel Gallery, 1982
72 pages, with 68 b/w illustrations.
Format: 9 1/4 x 10 1/8 in. (23.4 x 25.5 cm).
Preface by Lucien Goldschmidt
Excerpts from an interview with the artist.
Softcover (very few remaining): $100

Érik Desmazières - Etchings 1982–1991

Etchings 1982–1991
Fitch-Febvrel Gallery, 1992
64 pages, with 73 b/w illustrations.
Format: 9 1/4 x 10 1/8 in. (23.4 x 25.5 cm).
Preface by Robert Flynn Johnson, Curator, Achenbach
Foundation for Graphic Arts, San Francisco
Hardcover (with print): $400 / Softcover: $40

Érik Desmazières - Etchings 1991–2001

Etchings 1991–2001
Fitch-Febvrel Gallery, 2002
72 pages, with 72 illustrations (4 color).
Format: 9 1/4 x 10 1/8 in. (23.4 x 25.5 cm).
Preface by Maxime Préaud, Conservateur Général,
Départment des Estampes, Bibliothèque nationale de France.
Softcover: $30

Érik Desmazières - Prints 2001–2011

Prints 2001–2011
Fitch-Febvrel Gallery, 2011
72 pages, with 60 illustrations (14 color).
Format: 9 1/4 x 10 1/8 in. (23.4 x 25.5 cm).
Preface by Tom Rassieur, John E. Andrus III Curator of
Prints and Drawings, Minneapolis Institute of Art.
Hardcover (with print): $500 / Softcover: $30

Museum Exhibition Catalogues

Érik Desmazières - The Graphic Universe of Érik Desmazières

The Graphic Universe of Érik Desmazières
Hercules Segers Foundation, 2004.
In conjunction with a one-man exhibition at The Rembrandt House Museum, Amsterdam.
116 pages, with 100 illustrations (4 fold-outs).
Format: 12 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. (31.8 x 24.1 cm).
Joint essays by Ed de Heer, Director, and Bob van den Boogert,
Curator, the Rembrandt House Museum, Amsterdam.
Softcover (shown): $90 (used $50)

Érik Desmazières - Paris à grands traits – Eaux-fortes et dessins d'Érik Desmazières

Paris à grands traits – Eaux-fortes et dessins d'Érik Desmazières
Éditions Paris-Musées, 2006. Text by Patrick Mauriès.
In conjunction with an exhibition at the Musée Carnavalet, Paris.
140 pages, with 100 illustrations (20 color).
Format: 10 1/2 x 8 3/4 in. (27 x 22 cm).
No longer available from FFG.

Érik Desmazières - Les Lieux imaginaires d'Érik Desmazières

Les Lieux imaginaires d'Érik Desmazières
Musée Jenisch, Vevey (Switzerland), 2007.
136 pages, with 78 illustrations (17 color).
Format: 8 1/2 x 11 3/4 in. (21.7 x 28.5 cm).
Hardcover: $50

Érik Desmazières - Voyage au centre de la bibliothèque

Voyage au centre de la bibliothèque
Published in 2012, accompanying an exhibition at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF).
Through a selection of prints, preparatory drawings and paintings, the artist delivers an exceptional
vision of the national library as it was redesigned by the architect Henri Labrouste in the 19th century.
See print accompanying deluxe edition.
$75 (also available on Amazon.com or directly from the BnF)

Érik Desmazières des mondes gravés

Érik Desmazières des mondes gravés
Published for the retrospective June 25–September 21, 2014,
at the Musée de l'Hospice Comtesse, Lille.
Hardcover edition (75 + 25) contains a signed and numbered print.
Catalogue with print: $600, Softcover: $35.

Réflexions sur l'espace et le temps. Druckgraphik von Érik Desmazières

Réflexions sur l'espace et le temps. Druckgraphik von Érik Desmazières
Published for the exhibition
April 22–June 21, 2015, at the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich.
Hardcover edition, with a signed and numbered print
No longer available from FFG.

Books and DVDs

Érik Desmazières - Une invitation au voyage

Une invitation au voyage
by Oliver Rolin, illustrations by Érik Desmazières.
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2006.
40 pages, with 12 illustrations.
In French, published to mark the installation of the Coronelli Globes
in the new Bibliothèque Nationale.
Hardcover: $25

Érik Desmazières - Le Miroir des Vanités

Le Miroir des Vanités
Ordinary edition in French of the text by Mauriès with illustrations of color drawings by Desmazières.
The English translation, A Cabinet of Rarities, is published by Thames & Hudson.
Both volumes published in 2012, available through Amazon.com

Érik Desmazières - Dans l’atelier

Dans l’atelier
Published for the exhibition 19 February - 6 April, 2019 at
Galerie Documents 15, Paris, co-publisher with Editions 5 Continents
Deluxe edition with Dans l’atelier: SOLD OUT
Ordinary edition: $40 (available also from Amazon UK)

Érik Desmazières - Le Paris d'Erik

Le Paris d'Erik
Renaudineau/da Silva, 2006
40 minutes. In French, with English subtitles.
Follows the creation of Erik's print Atelier René Tazé VII,
last in the series begun 3 decades earlier, before destruction of the building and
relocation of the Atelier.

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