A Critic's Guide to the New Print Shows

Louis Legrand

Prints by Louis Legrand at Fitch-Febvrel Gallery

A Critic's Guide to the New Print Shows, The New York Times, Friday, June 13, 1980, by John Russell.

Louis Legrand was not a great artist, but he had a gift of vivid communication that served him very well in the 1890's, when he began to supply the Parisian illustrated magazines with the kind of material that would now be the province of the intrusive camera. He was a keyhole man: someone who took the night world of Paris for his material and gave his audience exactly what it wanted. Nothing in our sexual nature was alien to him. Nor did he see it as his role to cut or censor. The present show will give pleasure to anyone who cannot afford prints by Degas or Toulouse-Lautrec, but who would like to own something that falls not too far short of them.

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