François Houtin

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Awarded the important Prix Lacourière in 1981, French artist François Houtin has increasingly attracted the attention of collectors and museums with his finely detailed etchings and drawings.

Originally trained as a landscape architect, Houtin began studying printmaking in 1973 at the Atelier Jean Delpech. His work has been exhibited in Belgium, England, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the U.S. In 1983 Fitch-Febvrel held the first individual exhibition of his prints and drawings in the U.S.

Houtin's subjects are highly imaginative renderings of trees, landscapes, and formal gardens. His work renews the tradition of the French classical garden, with the addition of his personal touch of whimsey and invention.

Longtime friend and former classmate Érik Desmazières remarks that Houtin's etchings "are like variations on a musical theme, a music very ordered, very inventive and full of innumerable seductions."

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